Krisztina Újvári

Online Workshop Roses by Krisztina Ujvari

| English

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This course is superb

Krisztina Újvári

Online Workshop Roses by Krisztina Ujvari

| English

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€ 39,00
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Krisztina Újvári Online Workshop Roses by Krisztina Ujvari
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Diese Ausbildung ist auf Englisch!
This course is in English

When I first saw Krisztina's roses, I thought: I have to learn this technique!
Shortly after that, she was here in Bruges and came to visit me. In a the wink of an eye she taught me how to make these roses and I was fascinated.
You really have to live this experience, she is the best!

What will you learn

We'll learn to draw these roses, of course!

This training is bilingual: in the video you can see Krisztina working, explaining in English, and directly after you'll hear me translate to Dutch.
This is great because it gives you time to participate while you watch.

The class is divided into two parts of just over 45 minutes each.

After completing the course and sending the photos of your work, you will receive a digital certificate of participation.

You can repeat this workshop as many times as you want, for 100 days after registration.

How to sign up:

  • If you haven't done so yet, create an account on our webshop and log in.
  • Buy the class and pay online
  • The next steps will be sent to you by e-mail.
  • Don't forget to check your spam folder!
  • Please be patient, it can take up to 5 minutes for the magic of the internet takes effect  :-)


I recommend that you watch the video once without practicing, and then, when you watch it again, work together with Krisztina.
If you want to follow the class and work together with Krisztina, you should have the following materials ready:

  • Ugly Duckling Art Gel in different colors
  • Angled Brush
  • Detailer II Brush
  • Gel Brush
  • No Wipe Top Coat
  • Matte Top Coat
  • Cleanser
  • Color mixing palette

Sprache Englische Fassung


Sprache Englische Fassung

Bewertungen (1)

Eine Rezension schreiben
This course is superb

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