Doug Schoon(4 results)

Doug Schoon(4 results)

Doug Schoon books

Any of you know Doug Schoon or have heard of him?
Doug Schoon is an internationally recognized scientist and writer with more than 30 years of experience in the world of beauty and cosmetics. In the field of nails too, he is the one to ask all your questions. He has studied not only the natural nail, but also the artificial nail itself, the nail products and of course the placing of the artificial nails. All his findings he has put down in 1 large reference work.
His work consists of 3 parts (3 books), namely Face To Face With Doug Schoon Vol. I, II & III. These books really provide all possible answers to the questions related to salon work, products and so on. 

So if you have questions like: Why does gel polish shrink? What allergies are there and how do they develop? Or even better, how can we prevent them? You can find all this in 1 of these 3 books.
​I can hear you thinking, pffff, a reference work is really boring to read, I prefer to focus on the fun side of the job, choose glitters by Urban Nails, or test the new colors by Ugly Duckling Nails. I understand you completely, and of course you shouldn't read it like you read a novel or an exciting detective story. But it's still a must have to have in your salon, because I promise you that there will definitely come a time when something happens and you don't immediately know what to do. And offcourse, you can always ask a colleague for advice but maybe she doesn't know the answer or is too busy in her salon. That's why you really need to have those books at your disposal, that way you can immediately find a solution to your problem..