
The entire content of the website www.alinahoyo.com, as well as training.alinahoyo.com, and the social media-channels www.facebook.com/alinahoyonailartist , www.pinterest.com/alinahoyo , www.patreon.com/alinahoyonailartist , www.instagram.com/alinahoyonailartist and www.youtube.com/alinahoyonailartist (from here on: 'this website') is property of or under control of Alina Hoyo Nail Artist, Vennootschap Onder Firma, with registered office at Annuntiatenstraat 41, 8000 Brugge, Belgium, and is protected by universal copyright law. You can only download the content for personal use and non-commercial purposes, it is forbidden to alter or multiply the content in any way. The content may not be used or copied for any other reason.

Alina Hoyo Nail Artist will make an effort to keep the information on this website up-to-date and correct. Alina Hoyo Nail Artist can under no any circumstances be held accountable for damage or problems to your systems being a result of your access, or inability to access, this website.

This website also provides links or references to other sites, but Alina Hoyo Nail Artist is not responsible for the content of those other sites and can not be held accountable for any damage their content generates. Each link to other websites is there for the sole purpose of providing a more comfortable experience to the visitors of this website.

The trademarks, brands, commercial names, products and all visual aids on this website are internationally protected. Using them without prior written approval of Alina Hoyo Nail Artist, it's partners or the rightfull owners of these rights is not allowed unless to identify products or services.

Alina Hoyo Nail Artist reserves the right to use any messages you sent to us via this site or by e-mail or through social media, including ideas, concepts or suggestions, for the purpose of enrichment of Alina Hoyo Nail Artist. Said proposals can entain the development, production and/or sale of goods or services.

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The Alina Hoyo Nail Artist -logo and the lay-out and design of this website, as well as all downloadable items, are property of Alina Hoyo Nail Artist and their use is not allowed without prior written consent by Alina Hoyo Nail Artist. All logo's of partners are property of their respective owners and can not be used without their consent.